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The Team

Chris and Eden Longridge are the founding partners and still apply their personal touch and management to the whole of the Longridge operations, service and support.

Helen and David are continuing the family’s values and traditions.

Longridge is lucky to have a selection of staff and demonstrators who provide specialised support and services to the business. They are all frequently found demonstrating at exhibitions and shows: please come and say hello to them. We are always eager to assist and welcome feedback on the products.

Behind the scenes, discussions, meetings and negotiations take place amongst a wealth of highly regarded people, remarkably experienced in their fields. We are very grateful to their constant dedication to our products.

Managing Director

Chris Longridge

Managing Director
Finance Director

Eden Longridge

Finance Director

Helen Longridge

Lead Demonstrator (Professional Picture Framer)

David Curtlin

Lead Demonstrator (Professional Picture Framer)